Sunday, July 09, 2006

July 5 and 6 - Laptops and Computer Orientation - A Ministry Vocation?

Part of the Beeson Pastor scholarship is the gift of a great tool: a Dell Latitude D620 Laptop. This is a great gift and grace. There is a lot that we can do with the "tool for our dissertation."

We had Jay Endicott and Jared Porter to guide us through the various potential pitfalls of setting up e-mail, drivers and printers. They even gave up several good hours of review on operating Microsoft Software.

For perspective on the spiritual nature of this training (yes, I wrote spiritual concerning computer training) I would ask you, in all the computer orientation sessions to which you have ever been did the computer folks open the session or each session in earnest prayer? During their tenure as computer folks, were the computer folks ever asked to preach at a seminary chapel service? Did the computer folks look upon their work as a vocation, a calling, even a ministry? Have you ever been to a place where even the technical people walk deeply and publicly with God?

We may not think of our jobs as vocations or callings. We may only see our jobs as part of a carefully crafted career path, a small step on a larger and self-centered journey. Yet we will never be satisfied until we are about the actions and life to which God calls us. That’s what I learned from Jay and Jared.

There is something unique and wonderful about the spirit of this place. I pray for it to become contagious.

Grace and peace,
Trav Wilson