Friday, July 07, 2006

July 2 - First Orientation - God's Journey, not Ours

"I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. " -- Ephesians 1:17

This is the scripture that Beeson Dean Dr. Randy Jessen used to open our first orientation session. Randy let us know in no uncertain terms that we are here for academic pursuits, however our year at the Beeson Center is also for the gaining of wisdom and revelation. This will be a year of learning and growing -- with the Holy Spirit working in us -- growing to one end along to know Christ better.

Our closing prayer together struck a chord in my heart and mind. Randy prayed, "Father, it is your journey that we are on, not ours." How many times have we talked about going on "our journey of faith"? How many times have we worshiped our own perspective? In theological education we so often say those idolatrous words, "From my perspective ..." and "In my opinion ..."

The One True God, YHWH, the One who brought Christ into the world has a perspective that is more than merely inclusive of our own little views of ourselves, our journeys of faith, and our precious perspectives -- God transcends them. Wow. Here's to God's journey. We get to go along for the ride. Let's roll.